This exercise intends to deciphers the meaning behind some scenes from different films and series by having a look at the mise-en-scene of some shots from these scenes.
Confrotation - Breaking Bad
I’ve chosen this shot as an example of
confrontation. The frame feels tension
and rivalry as we can see how two gangs face each other in an open space. It’s easy
to get this impression as the arrangement of items and actors splits the
picture into two groups of elements. It’s possible to draw an imaginary line
along the middle in such a way that it’s clear the conflict. Likewise, the
distribution of objects produces the sense of stress – it all perfectly placed like
they were waiting to the start of the battle. Besides, the cars reinforce this
idea as they have been parked aligned. Finally,
by my reckoning, the open space also contributes to the atmosphere because
there’s nothing there and this implies there won’t be any witness of the fight.
Terror - I know what you did last summer
A terror film is always a good source of settings thought to create frightening atmospheres. I could have gone for many when watching "". Eventually, I took this one because it achieves the feeling if suspense without needing a particular use of the lighting, music or something else. Just the presence in the background of a door half open is enough to create discomfort and doubt among the audience. Was that door open before or not? And having asked ourselves this question the threaten is made. Furthermore, the fact that there's no more information placed within the shot, helped to focus the viewer's attention on the door.
Stress - Seinfeld
It goes without saying that this is an arrangement of elements that pretends to show to what extent the protagonist is busy. The items give us the meaning of being in a very oppressive space. Moreover, the mid shot emphasises precisely that. After many hours of working, we have got a cluttered area full of things. For obvious reasons, neither a close up nor a wide shot would fit well with the purpose of conveying strain. In adittion to this, it has to be taken into account that the background is also busy, having several objects to squeeze the footage a little bit more.
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